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IT security is becoming an increasingly critical component of business survival and success. The recent cyber attack in Sweden, which was the largest we have ever experienced, highlights the growing threats to our digital infrastructure. The incident is a strong reminder of robust security systems and practices to protect against external threats.

But protection against external threats is only part of the equation. Equally important is maintaining strong internal controls within the organization. Internal control is essential to identify, assess and manage risks that can affect an organization's ability to achieve its objectives, including those related to IT security and data integrity.

In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of internal controls to reduce risks and protect information within your organization.

Document and case management for improved internal control

Often, sensitive information is spread across many different places - from Excel files on individual computers to documents on shared servers, in emails and even in physical binders and plastic pockets. This fragmented management of information is not only a security risk; it can also create confusion and waste time. That's why it's so important to have everything in one place. With a unified system, you can easily control who can see what, keep track of all materials and organize documents in a clear way.

By implementing a digital system to manage documents and cases, companies can gain a lot. Firstly, it brings all the information together in one place, so you don't have to search through different sources for a document or a piece of data. This saves time and makes everyone more productive. Moreover, such systems can be set up with advanced settings for who can see what. This means that only those who should really have access to sensitive information can see it. This is extremely important to protect private information and to comply with laws and regulations, such as the GDPR.

Choose a system with breadth where you can get an overview of several processes.

Conrab Opto is basically built to handle all types of documents and cases and it can be used for much more than supplier invoice management with invoice matching.

By choosing a system with the ability to collect several different types of documents and cases, you get an overview and control of documents, cases and an overall picture of the authorizations to these. Regardless of the type of document or case you are working with, there are all the functions you want in a case management system such as role-based authorizations, flexible functions for collaboration, document management with audit management, reminders, statistics and traceability.In addition to increased internal control, the system provides an excellent opportunity to keep track of the activities associated with the ongoing maintenance of your systems, procedures and documents regarding security. You will also have a more efficient operation with processes that are easy to monitor, measure and improve.

In summary, it offers a unified document and records management system, not only a solution to many of the security and efficiency challenges faced by modern businesses. It also represents a strategic tool for strengthening internal control, optimizing workflows and promoting a culture of integrity and responsibility in the management of business-critical information.